Thursday, October 8, 2009


Ok so, I'd like to welcome you all the the first ever PAIDOC blog. PAIDOC, in case you didn't already know, stands for "People Against Ignorant Dicks Owning Computers" and we are exactly what our title suggests. I came up with the idea for this organization when I realized that I am fed up with all the people I see on the internet that are just, to put it simply, dicks. What is the point of this blog you may ask. Our mission is simple, to seek out and expose those who insist on conducting themselves in a dickish manor via the internet. We all know who I'm talking about. Whether it be a famous politician or celebrity, or the little guy who replied to your comment on YouTube saying that Key Board Cat is the best vid ever and they'll stab you in the face if you say that it sucks, we'll be there to expose them. When I say that we are an organization, I mean that we are all in this together. Sure, I am only one person, but luckily, I have social networking on my side ;) I ask all of you to join this fight. You can comment on our blog right here or you can follow us on Twitter at and send us links that you think deserve to be the subject of our "Dick of the Day" blog posts. Any and all opinions are welcome. Oh, and sorry ladies, just because you are female, it doesn't disqualify you from being a dick. We would create another organization exclusively for this, but sadly, we don't have that kind of time....

"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." - Confucius

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