Monday, October 12, 2009


As much as I love space exploration and admire the few who get to participate, at some point, you have to draw the line.

Guy Laliberte, the founder of Cirque du Soleil, has acquired accommodations aboard the International Space Station. I've read a news article or two online about this and, to me, it's a little ridiculous.This man, who has made a living out of being a clown, gets to go to space while being paid $35 million. He claims to plan to use it to "spread the word" about the world's shortage of clean water. Why doesn't he use it to actually CLEAN some water. It's kind of insulting enough to flaunt about getting a free ride to the space station amongst astronauts who have been training for years to go into space, but you're being paid and you're not even officially using the money for good. All that being said, Guy Laliberte is NOT the Dick of the Day...

                                                                    IT'S NASA !!!

Dear NASA, where do you get off spending $79 MILLION to bomb the moon when we are in the biggest financial crisis since the great depression !?!?!? Not only that, but it wasn't even that big of a show. When the American people pay that kind of money out of their already dwindling or disappearing paychecks, I expect at least half the moon to be GONE. Like I said, I am all for space exploration and discovery, but when it's costing us this much money, it's time to give it a break. I hope they find the ice that they're looking for so they can bring it back and make an ice rink out of it. We will sell tickets to skate on it so we can get our $79 million back. Or another idea would be to let Nike buy advertising space on the moon so they'll make more money. That way they can pay the children that they hire from third-world countries a little better. A huge Nike Swoosh on the moon could be the thing that solves world hunger...maybe.

Not only is NASA to be put to shame this week, check out the conduct of one of their employees. While participating in the LCROSS mission, one of the NASA guys pretty much took a giant dump on this his fellow employee's confidence by refusing to high-five him. I mean, you just bombed the moon, can you ignore the fact that you're a heartless jerk for one second and high five the guy ? You can see this affront on common courtesy about 5 min into this vid

Thanks for reading, see you next week !!!

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein  

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